Tag Archives: meditation


Meditations are deeper. Oftentimes I am in a place which is so still that my next breath can snap me right back out. I meditate an hour each morning. Sometimes it will go slow and sometimes it will go fast. Then there are the times when there was NO sense of time. It did not go fast, it was just over. Those are profound experiences for me because it gives me a sense of just being or the experience of isness.

Witnessing is a little more evident. It seems to come in parts or segments. When I look at my arms they don’t seem to be mine but are operating independently of who I think I am. I can also be walking down the street and wonder who is doing the driving because I feel like I am a passenger. Actualy there is no I, there is just the experience of moving.

All of these experiences bring with them a sense of joy. Unfortunately, when I notice joy it goes away, probably because the I is back. I am hoping that as time goes on these experiences will continue and they will be accompanied by a sense of joy that does not go away. Only time will tell.

Follow the Yellow Brick Road

Think of the title as a metaphor for the current financial crisis. Where is the yellow brick road these days. People are actually talking about a depression. That’s something most of us have only heard stories about. Big change is coming and there’s nothing we can do anymore to stop it. A lot of people intuitively know something monumental is happening and yet they continue to try to hold on to the old ways. I no longer see this crisis as doom and gloom but a huge flashing billboard saying hold onto your seats because you ain’t seen nothing yet. We don’t know what is on the other side of this crumbling of all our institutions but it is the price we have to pay to see what is behind the curtain. What’s behind the curtain is still beyond our comprehension.

We have been told this change has been coming for a long time. In my own life I remember that the stories for me began about 40 years ago, somewhere in the 60’s. At that time they were so far fetched that all we could do was hope and continue meditating. Then 30 years ago spirituality went mainstream. Meditation, yoga, alternative medicine and healing came out of the closet and into the suburbs. 20 years ago was when we started to look at taking care of Gaia or Mother Earth. We decided it would be better to keep the planet that we lived on clean and healthy. The green movement also went big and everyone began recycling. 10 years ago, for most people, we agreed that our climate was changing and we were responsible. The ozone layer was in trouble and the polar ice caps were speeding up their melting cycle. Now we have the biggest summer ice melt we have ever seen.

This is like going through the Black Forest. It is soo dark and scary that all our fears come up and we get to take a good look at them. As we come out of the forest into the sunshine we wonder what the big deal was but while we were there it was terrifying. We are just walking into the forest and we don’t know how big it is. We don’t know when we will come out the other end either. Just hold the thought that we will come out and the sunshine will feel so good that we won’t remember any of the bad times. It’s just like Dorothy said. “There’s no place like home.”

Seeing Angels

I lived in somewhat of an ashram for a year and a half. It was somewhat because it was an old resort that actually held meditation classes for people around the world and I was on the maintenance staff. There were many times when the air was so lively and thick I felt I could literally swim in it if I moved my arms with a swimming stroke. The air had a celestial quality to the light, one that I can still see today. When I’m really happy I can see that everything is made of light. It is the kind of light that you see streaming through a window where, when it breaks up it becomes all the colors of the rainbow. It looks like light coming from a prism and it is alive.

One day we had some visitors from the main ashram. These people had been meditating for long periods of time almost all their life. They met with us to answer questions one day and that’s when I saw them. There were three 10-12 foot angels standing on the stage with them. They never moved or acknowledged anything. There were no distinct features other than they had a human form and were made of light. It was the same kind of streaming through the window, prism like light except that they all had different colors. Each being had prism-like light continually streaming through them except that each one’s shades of light were different, and their light kept changing and moving. They gave off such a sense of profoundness and caring that my eyes welled up with tears. I just sat through the brief meeting watching the angels and feeling overwhelmed and when it was over we were escorted from the room. That was one of the highest peak experiences of my life which happened over twenty years ago yet I still remember it like it was yesterday.

The end of meditation

 I have been meditating for 32 years now. I have become happier, more positive and my reaction time is off the scale. Still, it has been a long time between really good spiritual experiences and sometimes it gets old. I therefore decided to try something new. 

It is a program called Centerpointe which uses sounds and music to stretch your consciousness or your mind into new places that you have never been before. There are two dissimilar tones played into each ear. At first the mind can’t recognize any coherency. After a while your mind sorts it out, your brain waves become more coherent and you move on to the next step. These sounds are based on patterns collected from the brainwaves of very powerful meditators. Once your mind accepts one pattern you reach a plateau and then move to the next level. I was intrigued so I thought I would try it.

At first it was less than my meditating experiences. I reached a quiet depth but never went to the place of no thought that I had during meditation. Then today I went away. I was gone for about a half an hour and came back amazed. This was the exact experience I had when I began meditating long ago but which only lasted for a few minutes. Now I am having the same experiences after only a week that last a half an hour. I wasn’t expecting any results but I have read all the testimonials and now I might be a believer. Follow the link to see what others have said. I will keep you posted on what is happening with me over the next few months.
