Tag Archives: Kryon

The Recession from a different point of view

Here is a quote from Kryon, an entity chanelled by Lee Carroll?

Do you have the courage to celebrate the recession? Dear Human Being, in this country called America, congratulations for what you just did! Never in the history of humanity has any citizenship tackled the greed issue in a major force like this major economy – one of the largest on Earth, the most significant on Earth and the most powerful on Earth. But you have chosen to clean it up.

“The Shift is Here”

This whole blog is about the world and humanity changing. Since 1968 I have been reading about how the world would become more spiritual. That has included books and stories about possible nuclear war, drastic climate changes, some of the earth’s population moving up to a higher dimension and more. One of the authors that I have continually read is Kryon, a channelled entity that has been talking about this upcoming change since 1987. Since many of his predictions have come true, I include this one, entitled “The Shift Is Here“, for your reading.
