Category Archives: Spiritual Aids

Spiritual Aids is a category of things that I have found useful to my growth.

Who Am I?

This one paragraph from Sri Ramana Maharishi really turned my head around.

What is the means for constantly holding on to the thought ‘Who am I?’

When other thoughts arise, one should not pursue them, but should inquire: ‘To whom do they arise?’ It does not matter how many thoughts arise. As each thought arises, one should inquire with diligence, “To whom has this thought arisen?”. The answer that would emerge would be “To me”. Thereupon if one inquires “Who am I?”, the mind will go back to its source; and the thought that arose will become quiescent. With repeated practice in this manner, the mind will develop the skill to stay in its source. When the mind that is subtle goes out through the brain and the sense-organs, the gross names and forms appear; when it stays in the heart, the names and forms disappear. Not letting the mind go out, but retaining it in the Heart is what is called “inwardness” (antar-mukha). Letting the mind go out of the Heart is known as “externalisation” (bahir-mukha). Thus, when the mind stays in the Heart, the ‘I’ which is the source of all thoughts will go, and the Self which ever exists will shine. Whatever one does, one should do without the egoity “I”. If one acts in that way, all will appear as of the nature of Siva (God).

A protection Invocation

I am the Light
The Light is within me
The Light moves throughout me
The Light surrounds me
The Light protects me
I am the Light

I learned this a long time ago from Connie Newton. It is technique for protection and for calling light into your body. A story was told when I learned the technique about a man who was being held up. He started to repeat this invocation in a loud voice and the would be robber just turned and ran away. I use it often because when I say it energy starts flowing and that always feels good. It’s like a min- break, multiple times a day. Try it and if you don’t get any results or feelings keep at it. They will come.

It’s all Happening at the Zoo II

With the recent upheaval and upcoming changes to the financial system it seems that another one of the pillars of our society is falling. First we started with things on a global scale. Communism fell, the Catholic church lost a lot of credibility with their scandal, and multiple countries had politicians abusing their power and getting caught. The United States especially has lost a lot of its influence in the world over the past few years. Now we have the financial industry, the one that keeps us afloat, on the brink of bankruptcy and ruin. What does this mean?

I believe it means we are getting ever closer to a massive change in the way the world works. We are becoming more spiritual and the selfish and petty ways we have been running the world will no longer work. All the old ways have to change and change quickly. If we don’t make the change voluntarily it will be made for us and the speed at which it changes will feel anywhere from harsh to ‘life as we know it’ threatening. What can we do?

I have two quotes that I hope will shed some light on what you can do.

“A bunch of weak people, even in numbers, aren’t strong. Get a whole bunch of confused people together and see how much clarity comes out of it. In other words, you just can’t add one more confused person to the pot, and expect to get any more clarity… One—standing outside of the confused group—who is clear, is more powerful than a million who are confused.” – Abraham

“I would like to make a heartfelt request to each of you.  As things continue to unfold in the world around you, I would ask that you make a conscious effort to stay connected to your heart and to joy. What the world needs now is people radiating love and peace. Say a prayer, go to your center and feel the love that is there for you. Ask Spirit to remind you to bring forth that love into your life and trust that there is nothing more powerful that you can do than to radiate love for yourself and for mankind.” –Carol Billingham

The end of meditation

 I have been meditating for 32 years now. I have become happier, more positive and my reaction time is off the scale. Still, it has been a long time between really good spiritual experiences and sometimes it gets old. I therefore decided to try something new. 

It is a program called Centerpointe which uses sounds and music to stretch your consciousness or your mind into new places that you have never been before. There are two dissimilar tones played into each ear. At first the mind can’t recognize any coherency. After a while your mind sorts it out, your brain waves become more coherent and you move on to the next step. These sounds are based on patterns collected from the brainwaves of very powerful meditators. Once your mind accepts one pattern you reach a plateau and then move to the next level. I was intrigued so I thought I would try it.

At first it was less than my meditating experiences. I reached a quiet depth but never went to the place of no thought that I had during meditation. Then today I went away. I was gone for about a half an hour and came back amazed. This was the exact experience I had when I began meditating long ago but which only lasted for a few minutes. Now I am having the same experiences after only a week that last a half an hour. I wasn’t expecting any results but I have read all the testimonials and now I might be a believer. Follow the link to see what others have said. I will keep you posted on what is happening with me over the next few months.
